Thursday, October 18, 2007

What Does It Mean?

What does this mean?
The world i so different.
I cannot tell.

Where do I go?
What is my purpose,
As a human on this earth?

We all have separate paths,
For we all chose a different one.
Why does this happen?

Where will we end up?
Why will we end up there?
Was our fate already chosen?

Or is it ours to choose.....?

Can we go any further,
Than we expect?
Is there any reason,

To want to be perfect.....?

What does this men?
Where will we go?
What if somebody,

Doesn't wish to even go.....?

1 comment:

azure said...

You wrote this? Wow. You know I most people wouldn't think a quite person to be so expressive but its impressive to people when you surprise them. I understood everything you meant through this poem. I also can see that it makes you anxious inside when you think of stuff like this. It created an air of empathy. You should keep on writing your heart out, your good at it.