Wednesday, December 12, 2007

How Can We Help The Border Regions?

A way we can help regions is by having some sort of Pollution Removal program and have more community service to make the environment better for the future of the others who are staying there. It would also give a warm welcome to whoever comes as an immigrant illegal or not, at least we can tell them in some way that we don't want them to be in a dangerous dirty place. There are few who will be able to find a good place to settle so we can have some sort of shelter for those who need a place to stay and no one will be able to ask whether they are legal or not for it is discrimination to not let them in. (Or so I at least believe so) Also, (Though HTHCV is already giving it a shot) we can help the orphans by delivering some toys or gifts to the orphanage. All of this is not hard and wont cost a lot at all. It is only helping, and although the world is hard to change, at least we are making a starting change.

1 comment:

azure said...

You have a kind perspective. Its good how you stated the advantages of your plan. Your thinking like a pro. It is indeed a start, nice to see I am not the only one with hope. ;)