Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Travis Aurion

Name: Travis Aurion

Age: Young Adult About 21 years old with no job and finished High School

Main Trait: Outcast, Very Serious

Humanizing Trait: The only one without a chip embedded in his brain so he can choose to either do wrong or go against wrongdoing.

Profession: Highly skilled fighter (Has mastered all weapons of the past before the chips were invented)

Address: Nomadic (Likes to set up shelter in forests and hidden places of nature)

Values:Earth(Nature), Life, Sword Skills, And Writing

Foil:His alter ego (Thanial Alexander Black)

Obsession:Saving people and keeping them content with their lives as well as writing for the people

Goal:To provide written art to the people as well as to keep watch over those people

Idol:Miranda Setsuka (Previous guardian of the people who became a goddess that nobody knows about)

Epitaph:"Mysterious Bard (Poet) Who Saved Humanity"

Internal Conflict: Thanial constantly tries to take over Travis

Interpersonal Conflict: He must not be found living in the forest by others or he must leave that world.

Best Part About Travis: he can get rid of all the bad people that try to take over and leave that world but there is risk that the chips become defective yet again.

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